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Communicating effectively

We value good communication between school, parents and the wider community. It is important to us and helps build a community of trust and understanding that is at the heart of a good school. If you would like to share something with us, our staff are always pleased to make time to speak to you face to face or over the phone.

To speak to a teacher or the Head of School, please call the school office to make an appointment. You can also speak directly to your child's class teacher after school every day to pass on a piece of information or book in a meeting.

Please don’t simply approach teachers at the start of the day and expect a meeting then and there– they will be busy and there won’t be the time to give you the attention that you require and we want to offer.

We don’t use email for extended communications with parents or carers. If you do email us your concerns, we will offer to meet you face to face and not always respond by e mail to the issues you raise. Email can be a blunt tool and it is hard to convey deeper meaning and understanding in words on a page. Good communication and understanding relies much more on body language, tone of voice and empathy than it does by simple words on a page and we want our communication with you to be clear, open and honest and productive.

In common with most schools we do not consent to any conversations at school being recorded.

We will respond to any written communication from parents within 10 school days.

We give permission for parents, carers and family members of pupils to photograph and film school events such as 'The Nativity', 'Sports Day', 'Presentations to Parents', etc. We politely request that these images are not used on social media.