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Supporting more able pupils

We understand that all children, including higher attaining pupils, require support and challenge in their learning in order to make good progress in their learning. Our teachers plan their lessons to ensure that higher attaining pupils are given a wide variety of exciting challenges and experiences, developing the ability to question, explain, persevere, communicate their thoughts and take risks in their learning whilst building relationships.

What is a higher attaining pupil?

We use the term higher attaining pupils to refer to children who are working above the nationally expected outcomes for their age in one or more areas of the curriculum or displaying a particular ability in a specific area.

Higher attaining pupils may display characteristics such as:

  • Intently focused
  • Asks insightful questions and has a curiosity
  • Imaginative, providing creative and original solutions
  • Rapid learner
  • Learns a new skill easily and readily
  • Shows initiative
  • Able to apply their learning to other areas and solve problems

However, all children are unique individuals and this list is not exhaustive, nor does it mean a child is necessarily higher attaining if they display some of these features.

How do we identify higher attaining pupils?

Methods of identifying higher attaining pupils are varied. We recognise that using only one method may be insufficient therefore we gather as much information about individual pupils as possible. These may include:

  • Teacher assessment
  • Observation and assessment
  • Data tracking and formal assessment
  • Consulting with professionals such as Sports Coaches
  • Parent information
  • Through curriculum opportunities eg open-ended tasks, problem solving, creative challenges

How do we provide for higher attaining pupils in the classroom?

All of our pupils are expected to ‘Learn without limits’. There is an ethos that we can and we will achieve and exceed expectations.

Our teaching:

  • Establishes what pupils can already do or have already done so that we are not wasting time repeating previous learning;
  • Encourages children to use a variety of stimuli, ideas and resources;
  • Fosters a climate of problem solving, debate and risk taking;
  • Provides a challenging learning environment which allows pupils to question and access higher order thinking skills;
  • Promotes and celebrates creativity and original thinking;
  • Encourages children to challenge themselves and discuss their own learning

What role can parents play in supporting higher attaining pupils?

We aim to work in partnership with the parents of all our pupils. We recognise that parental input is hugely influential in children displaying a positive attitude to their learning and achieving in school.

To further support your higher attaining child at home you may like to:

  • Encourage your child to ask questions and find out the answers together;
  • Let your child experiment and accept that making mistakes is part of the process of improving;
  • Foster a love of reading by giving access to a wide variety of books;
  • Provide resources to support learning at home such as the internet, books, maps;
  • Use the local area to provide a broad range of experiences eg visiting museums, galleries, sports events and taking part in physical learning e.g. swimming lessons / tennis coaching etc.
  • Arrange experiences with children who share similar interests to those of your child.